Where To Get Rev. White's Book On Adult Instruction Book

By: Rev. Jack Cascione

After sending out the last email about Adult Confirmation at Redeemer Lutheran Church, there have been more questions than I can answer individually about where to purchase Rev. Laurence White's book on adult instruction.

I always use Koehler's Annotated Catechism.  I buy them by the case from the Fort Wayne Book Store or CPH.

I use Rev. Laurence White's "Life With God: A Survey of Biblical Doctrine as Confessed in the Evangelical Lutheran Church."  You can order White's book by calling 713-290-9087, or faxing 713-290-0224, or logging  by emailing church@osl.cc or writing to Our Savior Lutheran Church, 5000 W Tidwell Rd, Houston TX 77091-4633

Mention Reclaim News when you place your order.

First, I take the class to the Bible, then I take them to the Catechism, and then in the same class I do some lecturing out of White's book.  There is really too much to cover in 32 hours, so we talk about some of the material and have them read some of the material at home.  White's book also becomes an excellent reference book for the students when the class is over.  It is easy to read, has great graphics, and quotes source material.

There is little point to talking about doctrine without talking about the Bible.  Therefore, I have them read the book of Matthew by the end of the first two weeks.  Each lecture is focused on reading quotations from the Bible that are repeated in Koehler's and White's books.

Each adult instruction class has people from every kind of background. Therefore, I try to prove that everything we teach is found in the Bible. This approach gives the Catechism and White greater credibility.

After 22 years of teaching Adult instruction two or three times a year, moving from the Bible, to the Catechism, White, the Augsburg Confession, the Luther Movie, video clips, the Church Constitution, additional handouts, etc., it all becomes an effortless, unified presentation.

White's book is by far the most complete instructional and resource guide that I use.  What is nice about his material is, his logical order of presentation.  He really is a clear thinker.

It helps to use a little bit of salesmanship in Adult Instruction.

Two hours is a long time, so we break for coffee, pop, cake, and whatever. I put out a little container to cover expenses.

Every pastor has to tailor his classes to his own abilities and teaching style.  To be genuine, you have to be you.  White's material gives the teacher a lot of flexibility.

January 11, 2002