God Is Our Refuge and Strength

By LCMS Chaplain David Dissen

(Member of the Board of Regents Concordia Seminary St. Louis)

Dear members and friends of our Lutheran Chapel of Hope family,

Where do you and I as believers in Jesus Christ look for "refuge, strength and help" in all the conflicts in life that we face?

Where do you and I look for "refuge, strength and help" when our country is at war and our spouse, sibling, relative and our co-workers or close friends are out on the battlefield in Iraq and neighboring areas?

Where do you and I look for "refuge, strength and help" when we have no idea when, where or how the next terrorist attack may take place against our country?  These are questions that I hear being asked as I get out and around in Cape, whether it be in a store shopping or in a fast food restaurant enjoying a morning cup of coffee.

There are many who would answer: "Have confidence in our government!  Have confidence in the hi-tech weapons of warfare that our country has developed! Have confidence in the CIA and others who gather military intelligence for our government!  Have confidence in our "allies" who have aligned themselves with us!"

Such advice provides only the "refuge, strength and help" that mere fellow human beings can provide!  And that is very limited, isn't it?  And it is not only limited but it also very uncertain.  That is why the Psalmist tells us in Psalms 118,8 ff: "It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust men.  It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust the best of men." (AN AMERICAN TRANSLATION)

This present season of Lent reminds you and me of the foolishness of placing our trust or confidence in sinful men, doesn't it?  Think of how even the disciples of Jesus "deserted" Him during His passion!  Think of how Judas betrayed Him!  Think of how Peter denied Him!  Think of how the religious leaders of His day treated Him with calloused contempt and rejection!

Sinful human beings are often fickle and untrustworthy!  And you I have been exactly that "too many" times in our lifetime, haven't we?  People trust us to help them in time of need and we bail out or excuse ourselves!  People trust us to help and protect them but we are not "there" when our help is needed!  People trust us to speak a good word on their behalf---to put the best construction on what they have done---but we fail them because it may not be the popular thing to do!

Thanks be to God that the Psalmist reminds us to whom to turn every day of our life---including days of warfare---when He reminds us: "God is our Refuge and Strength, our very great help in time of trouble."

You and I do not place our trust or confidence in an "unknown and unknowable" God.  We do not put our trust in some kind of hazy, indefinable "god" made by human hands!  We put our trust in the One and Only True God---Father, Son and Holy Spirit!  Our God is Eternal!  He is Unchangeable! He is All-Powerful!  He is All-Knowing!  He is All-Present!  He is Holy!  He is Just!  He is Faithful!  He is Good and Kind, always desiring the best for us!  He is Full of Pity!  He is Gracious!

Years ago General "Stonewall" Jackson was crossing a dangerous stretch of river beneath the mighty Niagara Falls with his sister.  The cascading waters rocked and tossed the boat.  His sister became terrified.  Jackson grabbed her by the arm and held tightly to her.  Then he asked one of the two boatmen: "How often have you crossed here before?"  "Every day for the past twelve years" replied one of them.  "And how often have you capsized?" asked Jackson.  The boatman replied: "Not once!"  Thereupon Jackson told his sister: "Just sit down and be quiet unless you think you can row this boat better than they are doing!"

Our God is Eternal and All-Powerful!  We need to continue to trust in Him all the days of our life---including these present troubling times of war with Iraq and our on-going fight against terrorism and an uncertain economy. God is our "refuge, strength and help" at all times---especially in trouble. God knows what He is doing!  God knows what He is permitting to happen in our lives at this time of history.  God is able to take care of us and everyone else.  We cannot govern this world better than God.

Our God assures us of His undeserved kindness and forgiveness for all our sins---including our sins of "failing others" when they have put our trust in us only to be disappointed.  St. Paul promises us: "So those who are believers in Christ Jesus can no longer be condemned" Rom. 8,1 (AN AMERICAN TRANSLATION).  God's promise of forgiveness rests securely because Jesus Christ did not fail us but willingly kept all God's Holy Commandments for us and also willingly died on the cross to pay the penalty of all our sins.

Our God assures us that nothing is impossible for Him when we are in need of help, for we read in Matt. 19,26: "For God all things are possible."

Our God assures us that He will be with us at all times---even when loved ones cannot be present to help us---because He promises: "Remember, I am with you always until the end of the age."  (AAT)

Our God assures us that He knows all things, including exactly what we need at any given time whether during peace or war, as Peter says in John 21,17: "Lord, You know everything."

With these truths once again etched on the fibre and fabric of our minds and hearts, may we daily say with the Psalmist: "God is our Refuge and Strength, our very great Help in time of trouble."  To Him alone we look for "refuge, strength and help."  In Him alone we trust---the One and Only God---Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Trusting in Him we will never be ashamed.  We will never be let down.  His forgiving love in Jesus Christ comes to us in His Word and the Holy Sacraments throughout our journey in this life until He calls us in Christ to be with Him in heaven.

In Christ Jesus,
Rev. David V. Dissen
Vacancy Pastor
Lutheran Chapel of Hope
Box 1465
Cape Girardeau, Mo.  63703

May I be so bold as to suggest the following prayer for you on a daily basis until the war with Iraq is over:

O Blessed and Holy Trinity---Father, Son and Holy Spirit---our Refuge, Strength and Help in every trouble, we come to you today in sincere repentance for all our sins.  We pray that You would assure us of Your plenteous redemption won for us by the holy life; the innocent suffering and death of Jesus Christ for our sins, and His glorious resurrection from the dead.

Help us during this time of war with Iraq to confess that You are indeed the Lord of the heavens and the earth and that You alone will bring victory and an end to hostilities at Your own appointed time.

We pray that You would guard, protect and deliver all those who are serving in our Armed Forces and all those who are serving in any other capacity. Continue to strengthen and fortify their faith in You.  Comfort with Your everlasting comfort in Jesus Christ all those whose loved ones have been wounded or killed.

Lead all people in this world---together with us---to acknowledge that we are lost and condemned sinners who are redeemed from sin, death and hell only through faith in Your boundless grace and matchless mercy in Jesus Christ.

As Christian men and women have been deployed in various parts of this world, use them to bring the message of pardon and peace in Christ Jesus wherever they are.  Use us to do the same on this University Campus or wherever we are in our own country.

Be with the President of our country and all those who have been elected or appointed to positions of leadership so that they will serve You and us in godliness and righteousness and thereby bring blessing to us and others throughout the world.

We come to Your throne of grace boldly and confidently in the Name of Jesus Christ, the One Who loved us and washed us from all our sins in His own holy, precious blood, Amen.

March 21 , 2003