Call Declined: Names Needed
By Rev. Jack Cascione


The call to Goshen became a rather public event primarily because a number of pastors in the LCMS are critical of my outspoken position supporting voter supremacy. It was therefore necessary to assure them that my practice is consistent with my theology. I was careful to follow Walther's practice while considering the call.

Having decided to return the call to Goshen I also do not want anyone to form a negative impression about Prince of Peace. Prince of Peace is an excellent congregation for an LCMS pastor to service. They also asked me if I knew the names of any pastors who might be interested in being on their call list.

If any of you have any names, please email them to me and I will forward them to the congregation. The congregation is concerned about the doctrinal position of their pastor. They are rather confused as to why the neighboring congregation recently transferred the operation of their congregation from their voters' assembly to a board. They only needed to examine my website to learn my position on just about anything. Candidates will need to supply written statements to the congregation upon request.

Dear Members of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Goshen, Indiana:

Declining your call to Goshen was very difficult. So many of you came out for the potluck on Friday for our meeting after I received your call I was humbled by your sincere desire to fill the office of the ministry in your congregation. The hosts for the evening couldn't have been more warm and friendly.

I felt compelled to decline your call because I'm convinced that there is more work for me to do at Redeemer.

Your location is ideal. The new housing development is moving right up to your property line. You have lots of acres to build on. I hope you don't feel that you did something wrong or that your call was in some way inadequate. The terms of your call were appropriate. My wife would certainly have enjoyed over seeing the construction of a new home close to your church.

Your support for sound doctrine was very impressive, as well as your desire to support your pastor. Your picturesque location in a tourist area will always make we wonder why I turned it down. With all the people moving into your area my advice is simply to build a bigger sign.

Our congregation here in St. Clair Shores is in an older shrinking suburb and we don't have all of your opportunities. Your being twenty miles from Notre Dame, and hundred miles from Chicago was also very attractive.

With the abundance of knowledgeable, helpful, and experienced people in your congregation, if you don't get a pastor in the next call you might consider a new graduate.

Thank you so much for even considering me. With prayer and advice from people I trust I made the best decision I could make for the good of the Kingdom.

May God bless and preserve your congregation with His word.

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Cascione

Rev. Jack Cascione is pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church (LCMS - MI) in St. Clair Shores, Michigan. He has written numerous articles for Christian News and is the author of Reclaiming the Gospel in the LCMS: How to Keep Your Congregation Lutheran. He has also written a study on the Book of Revelation called In Search of the Biblical Order.
He can be reached by email at

February 5, 2000