Marquart Says Cascione Parts Company With God on Voter Supremacy
By Rev. Jack Cascione


We are honored with yet another reply from the learned and esteemed Professor Kurt Marquart. In this editor's opinion we are finally getting down to the real issues.

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24 May 2000

The Editor
Christian News
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It seems that kindness and patience only embolden Pastor Cascione to launch into ever wilder and woollier rhetoric. Herewith therefore a reply to his latest:

1. After citing my statement that any religious organization has the legal right to maintain "whatever nonsense and humbug it wishes," Pastor Cascione cites 6 congregational constitutions, and then suggests that this is what I had called "humbug"! This is totally dishonest, or else the good pastor simply has not learnt to read.

2. Ditto for his allegation that I "ignored" his "objection": "What about voting on Calls, voting on excommunication, etc.?" Would somebody please explain to Pastor Cascione the difference between "voting" and "Voter Supremacy"? Of course decisions have to be taken by vote- him look up all my relevant writings; where have I denied this? I take it for granted everywhere.

3. Pastor Cascione finally lets the cat out of the bag when he writes that the Supreme Voters "must have the freedom to do the wrong thing." There he parts company not just with Walther and Pieper, but with the Word of God. To say it yet again for the umpteenth time: spiritually, no one has the freedom in the church to utter one word against God and His revealed truth; legally, everyone is free to maintain any "nonsense or humbug" he wishes. Is that not clear enough? Does Pastor Cascione deny this distinction? To allow for this crucial difference I prefer to call our traditional polity -WHICH, PLEASE NOTE, I THOROUGHLY APPROVE! -"congregational self-government" instead of "Voter Supremacy."

4. I notice that Pastor Cascione says nothing about the Gerhard-Walther quote about pastoral responsibilities in adiaphora. Here's more from Walther himself:

It or course behooves the minister, according to his office as teacher, supervisor, and watchman, to direct the deliberations that are held on the matter, He must instruct the congregation and see to it that also in the determination of adiaphora and the establishment of ecclesiastical regulations and ceremonies the congregation does not act frivolously or establish something that is hurtful (Church and Ministry, p.312).

Until these simple and basic points have been understood and granted, please let us have no more waste of time and space on the subject!

Fraternally yours

K. Marquart

Rev. Jack Cascione is pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church (LCMS - MI) in St. Clair Shores, Michigan. He has written numerous articles for Christian News and is the author of Reclaiming the Gospel in the LCMS: How to Keep Your Congregation Lutheran. He has also written a study on the Book of Revelation called In Search of the Biblical Order.
He can be reached by email at

May 25, 2000


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