Redeemer Voters Request Meeting with Dr. Waldo Werning
By Rev. Jack Cascione


The Voters' Assembly of Redeemer Lutheran Church in St. Clair Shores, Michigan unanimously adopted the following Resolution on Nov. 12, 2001. According to Walter's sermon, "The Sheep Judge Their Shepherd," the lay people are the final judges of doctrine in the church because it is their souls that hang in the balance.

To Meet With Dr. Waldo Werning:

Whereas Dr. Waldo Werning has filed charges against our pastor in his letter of June 26, 2001; and

Whereas Pastor Cascione has convinced us from Scripture, the Athanasian Creed, the Lutheran Confessions, and Pieper's "Christian Dogmatics" of the errors on the teaching of the Trinity in Dr. Werning's book titled, "Health and Healing for the LCMS" on pages 33 and 34; and

Whereas Pastor Cascione has chosen to object to Dr. Werning's public teaching on the Trinity on pages 33 and 34 before addressing the estimated 140 times Dr. Werning has criticized our pastor in his book, sent to every delegate of the 2001 LCMS Convention; and,

Whereas Doctor Werning has published numerous additional charges [against Pastor Cascione] to LCMS pastors and officials without resolving the issues raised in his letter of June 26; therefore be it

Resolved that we, the Voters' Assembly of Redeemer Lutheran Church, request that Dr. Werning meet in an open meeting with Pastor Cascione here at Redeemer Lutheran Church on an agreed upon Tuesday or Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in November or December of 2001; and be it further,

Resolved that we only deal with the issues published in his June 26 letter related to the doctrine of the Trinity; and be it further,

Resolved that Doctor Werning may bring as many pastors on the LCMS clergy roster as he chooses to this meeting who may all speak in favor of Dr. Werning's teaching on the Trinity on pages 33 and 34 of his book; and be it further,

Resolved that only Pastor Cascione will speak in defense of the official doctrine of the Trinity for Redeemer Lutheran Church and that he be given equal time to address every speaker in behalf of Dr. Werning and Dr. Werning himself; and be it further,

Resolved that the meeting be video taped for circulation outside of Redeemer Lutheran Church; and be it further,

Resolved that we have instructed Pastor Cascione not to meet with Dr. Werning until he meets with this congregation to address his written allegations in the June 26 letter against our pastor to this congregation; and be it finally,

Resolved that there be time for questions from any member of Redeemer Lutheran Church to any of the speakers at this meeting, which will be moderated by our congregational president.

Werning wrote what amounts to a 200-page biography about Pastor Jack Cascione titled "Health and Healing for the LCMS." He sent it to every delegate of the 2001 LCMS Convention. In the book he writes and complains about Cascione 140 times.

Werning also writes outrageous false doctrine about the Trinity in his book.

The Athanasian Creed warns: "Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic [i.e., universal, Christian] faith. Which faith except everyone do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly."

"For there is one Person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Ghost." ". . . they are not three Eternals," "three Uncreated nor three Incomprehensibles," "not three Almighties," "not three Gods," and "not three Lords." "So are we forbidden by the catholic religion to say, there be three Gods or three Lords."

"He, therefore, that will be saved MUST thus think of the Trinity. . . This is the catholic faith; which except a man believe faithfully and firmly, he cannot be saved."

In defiance of the Athanasian Creed, Werning teaches on pages 33 and 34 that in the Triune God there are: "three forms of address 'You shall!, ' 'You may!,' 'You can!'" Man experiences, "God in a three-fold manner." There are "three manners of being (God above us, God among us, God in us)" and that "God revealed Himself in three ways." While the Athanasian Creed teaches the only three in God is the three divine persons in one divine being.

Pieper writes, Vol. I page 383,
"a. The names Father, Son, and Holy Ghost can denote only three self-subsisting persons. No one who hears these names of God will think of three modes of appearance or three activities of the same."

Any alteration in the correct confession of the Trinity must result in eternal damnation.

Werning keeps adding to the list of LCMS Pastors who receive written charges against me. They now include:

President Gerald Kieschnick,
Rev. Ronald Krug
Rev. Paul Borgman
Rev. Dr. Ronald E. Meyer, President
Rev. Herman Otten
Dr. John Heins
Rev. Wayne Pohl
Rev. John Reusch
Rev. Okamoto
President C. William Hoesman
Michigan Vice-Presidents, Rev. Wayne Wentzel,
Rev. Arnold Brammeier,
Rev. David P. Maier,
Rev. K Frank Graves

"Jesus First" has also endorsed Werning's blasphemy of the Trinity and Kieschnick for LCMS President.

It is time that the entire LCMS have the opportunity to hear the new doctrine about God, the God of three forms of address, experiences, revelations, and communications.

Let the Voters hear the South Wisconsin District President pledge his soul that the Werning's new Doctrine of the Trinity is the teaching of the LCMS.

Let us hear the COP and the Seminary faculties and President Kieschnick pledge their souls for Werning's new doctrine of the Trinity. Let them confess what Werning teaches to the church and then confess it to God Almighty at the judgment.

Rev. Jack Cascione is pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church (LCMS - MI) in St. Clair Shores, Michigan. He has written numerous articles for Christian News and is the author of Reclaiming the Gospel in the LCMS: How to Keep Your Congregation Lutheran. He has also written a study on the Book of Revelation called In Search of the Biblical Order.
He can be reached by email at

November 13, 2001